Late March in the cemetery

Late March and an early morning stroll in the cemetery. It’s amazing what difference a few weeks make in terms of bird song. Just from the bridge I was greeted by Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Robin, Blackbird and Wren, while a Grey Wagtail flew underneath. Chiffchaffs added their plaintive two-note song to the morning chorus. No Blackcaps yet though.

In the wood, cherry trees are in full blossom, pure white in contrast to the pinks of the ornamental cherries decorating Sheffield streets. Blackthorn, too, is clothed in bridal white. The lime green of the elm flowers, a herald of the new growth to come in the next few weeks when the trees and shrubs will be transformed, shedding their dowdy winter clothes for vibrant and verdant green hues. A Jay, its jarring call cutting through the tranquillity, will soon be harder to spot.

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